
You really are a miracle! So many dating sites, so many fruitless attempts to find someone close to perfection – and here she comes, from your site. I saw that her birthday was upcoming, sent her flowers via your service, then she thanked me… Half a year, not a day without talking and now I am going to send her flowers once again with asking if she would like me to visit her. Wish…

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Claudio, Italy

You think it is the start of a joke: I have found my Russian beauty. People make jokes about it with me, but they stopped laughing when they met Leila. She astonished them with her intellect more than anything. My friends like to chat nonsense long into the night, solving those world problems. She manages to test them with her ideas and they love her too. We are soon to be married, I promise…

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Joe, the USA

My sweet Olga waits for me in Moscow, my flight is in two weeks. I am nervous but overjoyed and happy at the same time. All this happiness would be impossible without you. Thanks for your help and good luck in finding love to all your users. Everything is possible here!

Mats, Germany

Women, women everywhere and not a one for me. Or so I thought. Then I put the charm to good use of the site and boy did I get a response. It seems being an American and a thoroughbred Italian at the same time really works on these sites – maybe it is because they love my countries – or maybe the face fits. Who cares! I am so happy with the lady I…

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Francesco, the USA

Thank you for your full package services. I managed to find Larisa here, you delivered my presents and flowers, provided us with convenient chat and corresponding services and supported us in every possible way. Now we are arranging a meeting with your unlimited help. You are truly creators of our happiness!

Karl, Norway

I work over 60 hours a week, sometimes more. I am up in those high-rise windows, usually the last one to turn out the light. As a successful lawyer in one of the busiest cities in the world, it is just what you have to do. I decided life needed to be about more than work, so I joined the site – and what a great move! Although I have yet to find my…

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Jack, the USA

I really got tired of women who think only about their careers. I got dumped and took the break-up badly. I came here as I knew – Slavic women are made for marriage and family. And you know what? I was totally right. Because now I am a proud fiancé of a perfect Ukrainian lady and we are going to get married as soon as she comes to France. My dream is going to…

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Mathieu, France

Sometimes love takes you surprise, right? Sure, I was moseying around the site every few days but nothing too serious at the time. I was contacted by Julia and next week we are getting married. The dream comes true, people! Don’t get me wrong, we took our time. We got to know each other offline for a while too. But, when we did our first video chat and I saw the face from the…

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Ben, Canada

I decided to give online dating a try and was lucky enough to start with this great site. A lot of wonderful women and you are sure to find your perfect match among them. Just like me! A lovely lady Maria stole my heart and I am totally happy with it! Thank you!

Hanz, Switzerland

There is nothing I love more than beautiful, strong women. Niki is everything I could have hoped for. We met in person 3 months ago, and soon we will travel together. She makes me laugh, she always has. I loved the first time we used the video chat feature, and she spent the whole time pulling silly faces and poses, this is Niki, she makes me smile. Thank goodness I met her, and I…

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William, the UK

Our love story with Elena is something magical! When I saw her pictures for the first time, I knew we were going to be together! We chatted a lot, met in Ukraine twice and then got married. I’m the happiest man in the world!

Sebastián, Spain

I heard that Russian women were full of passion, so I tried out the site to see if it was true. Yep. Russian women are feisty, fun and more importantly – a lover of the family. I could not believe how much I enjoyed chatting and talking on the site. And the great news is I have met my match, quite literally actually. Jenna is a force of nature, and she keeps…

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Brandon, England

I think I found my true love on your website! Julia is so beautiful and smart, she adores cooking and does sports. Next week I’m going to propose to her. Wish me luck!

Lucas, Norway

I live in the middle of nowhere. I literally have to fly to get to the nearest place that has more than a 100 people in. What do you do when you only have a few burly blokes to share a beer with? Thank god for the internet, mate. Look, I am not one of those guys who usually dates online but needs must and all that. I have been chatting with…

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John, Australia

Svetlana is a fantastic wife and my true soulmate. When we started chatting on this website I couldn’t even imagine how far it will go! Now I’m absolutely happy! Thank you a lot!

Mikael, Germany

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