Natalia from Poltava

age: 43
city: Poltava
id: 40808
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This week is glad to introduce a beautiful woman Natalia from Poltava, Ukraine. Natalia is a full of energy and very positive person who likes to lead an active lifestyle. She is looking for a good man with an open heart and fire in his eyes. Would you like to know more about her? Read Natalia’s story and enjoy her lovely photos.

Hel­lo there!

My fa­vorite hob­by is do­mes­tic tourism and like many peo­ple nowa­days I pre­fer do­mes­tic trav­el­ing op­por­tu­ni­ties rather than go­ing abroad. I love Ukraine and want to see ev­ery part of my na­tive coun­try.

I like to trav­el with a group and a guide and I usu­al­ly go with my friends or with my daugh­ter.

I like all kinds of trav­el, by car or walk­ing on foot, but most of all I like to trav­el by train and spend a lit­tle time at dif­fer­ent places.

I like all kinds of trav­el, by car or walk­ing on foot, but most of all I like to trav­el by train and spend a lit­tle time at dif­fer­ent places. I love to ad­mire the beau­ty of na­t­u­ral at­trac­tions such as moun­tains, wa­ter­falls, lakes and forests. Trav­elling gives you a lev­el of ex­po­sure that noth­ing else can ri­val.

Ukraine is a very beau­ti­ful coun­try and I want to show you my mother­land!


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