Marina from Zaporozhye

age: 33
city: Zaporozhye
id: 42938
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This week is glad to introduce a stunning lady Marina from Zaporozhye, Ukraine. Marina is a kind and honest lady who likes cooking, dancing and trying new things. She is looking for a kind and caring man, who will share her life views. Would you like to know more about her? Read Marina’s story and enjoy her wonderful photos.

Hi dar­ling!

Men and wo­m­en are said to be so dif­fer­ent. Men don't like love with­out in­ti­ma­cy, wo­m­en don't like in­ti­ma­cy with­out love. Wo­m­en eat as they talk, men talk as they eat. Wo­m­en bathe and men swim. When a man tries to fool some­one, he is a scoun­drel. When a wo­m­an does the same way, she is wise. A di­vorced man is free. A di­vorced wo­m­an is lone­ly. A man with mon­ey is a per­son. A wo­m­an with mon­ey is a man.

Men are brothers in mind, wo­m­en are sis­ters in mis­for­tune. Wo­m­en have dreams while men have plans. Play­ing is enough for a wo­m­an, and win­n­ing is com­pul­so­ry for a man.

Wo­m­en hide their age, men hide their in­come. A man loves with his eyes, a wo­m­an with her ears. Wo­m­en lose weight, men work out…

Well, do we have any­thing at all in com­mon? Of course we do!

Both men and wo­m­en are look­ing for their soul mates and ea­ger to be hap­py and un­der­s­tood. They may ex­press their love in a dif­fer­ent way, but the or­gan of love for each of them is the heart! I want mine to beat faster with my beloved man next to me.


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