Irina from Nikopol

age: 50
city: Nikopol
id: 45522
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This week is glad to introduce a gorgeous lady Irina from Nikopol, Ukraine. Irina is a cheerful, passionate and gentile lady who likes fitness, dancing and cooking! Want to find out more? Read Anna’s story and enjoy her wonderful photos.

Hel­lo my dear friend!

How is life? I hope that you are full of strength and en­er­gy and ready to meet your dream wo­m­an. Do you like strong girls?

My name is Iri­na and al­though I have a very gen­tle and frag­ile ap­pear­ance, re­al­ly I am strong, dex­ter­ous and flex­i­ble be­cause I do karate. I’ve liked do­ing this since I was a child and re­mem­ber how I used to fight with my dad all the time. It was he who taught me that strength is not al­ways im­por­tant, some­times flex­i­bil­i­ty of mind and a change of fo­cus are more im­por­tant.

Now that I’m a grown wo­m­an, I'm not afraid of re­turn­ing home late at night but some­times I do want to feel weak and de­fence­less next to a strong and lov­ing man.

Could you pro­tect me from thugs? I would give you a hun­dred kiss­es if you did. I would like to prac­tice with you… you want to be my op­po­nent in a karate fight?

I promise to treat you gent­ly but you will have to re­act very quick­ly so that my leg does not end up near your ear!

At home, I wear a night­dress and slip­pers and be­come just like a soft kit­ten. At night, I like to drink de­li­cious tea with hon­ey and then go to sleep and dream. Maybe some­time we could dream to­gether?

I wish you good luck and hap­pi­ness.


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